
old vs. new

Metrobus Line. Organized. Bus Rapid Transit. Standards. Efficient

Pesero. Dangerous. Polluters. Add to traffic. Poor standards.

Inside View of a Pesero Bus. Bucket of water next to battery? WTF?

Lastly, in peseros, drivers handle the money and drive, at the same time. This is so dangerous. Drivers of Metrobus don't handle money, because fare is prepaid like in metro systyems.


Anonymous said...

That chino is hella buff.

Sarah said...

Have you ever BEEN on a metrobus at rush hour???

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Sarah. Metrobuses would be a good option IF ONLY they were available in sufficient numbers. Rush hour can be hell in a Metrobus, provided you can get in one first, of course.

I actually found myself missing micros after waiting for 20 minutes for a metrobus in which I could actually get in without getting my ribs cracked.